Discover the potential 
of blue foods

Blue, or aquatic, foods are fish, shellfish, aquatic plants, and algae caught or cultivated from freshwater and marine environments. These foods hold immense promise in supporting diets that are healthy, sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient. That’s a critical step to enable our food systems to achieve progress on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our members

The Coalition has brought together over 40 members who have expressed their commitment to blue foods as a priority. It is multi-sectoral, drawing its strength from diverse representatives that include governments, intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions, the private sector, civil society, and industry.

Visit our engagement hub for news, events, and blue food resources.

Get involved

If you are driven to make blue foods a significant part of food systems transformation, contact us to attend one of our meetings, to learn more about our work, and explore the possibility of becoming a member.